Precautions That Can Help With Hydraulic Cylinder Rebuilds

Rebuilding a hydraulic cylinder is more expensive than a repair, but it's one of the best ways to restore this component's condition and performance. If you're at a point of needing this restoration completed, approach this process carefully. 

Comply with OEM Specifications 

If you want to get the same performance from this hydraulic cylinder that you got before you started experiencing issues, then find out what the OEM specifications are that must be observed throughout a rebuild. Then you can use these specs as a guide, as well as have some form of comparison when testing the success of the rebuild after it's complete.

These OEM specs should be easy to find as long as you know key information about your hydraulic cylinders, such as their brand and model number. Then after pulling up OEM specs like temperature and pressure ranges, you can keep this rebuilding process going until optimal metrics are achieved. 

Perform Regular Tests During the Rebuild 

Whatever your goals are for rebuilding a hydraulic cylinder, it's advantageous to continue testing the cylinder throughout this entire process. That's going to help verify you're on the right track, whether it's getting the cylinder to have certain efficiency or power ratings.

Whereas if you just tested this cylinder at the end of the rebuild, you may have gone in the wrong direction with a restorative step and thus have to start this entire process all over again. Regular testing will keep this from happening because problems will be identified early on. 

Find Out What Components Need to be Removed

In the interest of saving time during a hydraulic cylinder rebuild, you want to find out exactly which components have to be taken off. Then parts that won't be impacted can remain in place and that's going to save you a lot of effort when it comes time to put this cylinder back together.

The parts that must be removed will depend entirely on the problems that your cylinder is currently facing. For instance, if your cylinder is constantly leaking fluid, you'll probably have to take off the seals and inspect them during the rebuild. 

Completing a hydraulic cylinder rebuild can be enough to help you salvage this component and thus save on equipment costs. You'll feel good heading into this rebuilding process too if you think about important preparations you need to do early on and ways you can avoid delays once you get started. 
